A busy week learning to blog..

We were reminded this week that others would be looking on our site for Umawera Students blogs.thinking emoji This inspired us to have a go.  The students and I discussed what we could post and away we went.  Many added their bitmoji and written work.

After many had posted feedback started comming in. This generated huge excitement and encouraged others to have a try. Wow what a busy morning.

We have learnt that a small piece daily and publishing on Fridays would be a good practice.

Our goal is to have a try at putting a little piece in our blog daily. A busy time fitting everything in ahead.

2023 Kawa of Care

This week we have been learning about our chromebooks and how we can look after them when we follow the Kawa of care. As a class we discussed what this would look like in our class and came up with some posters to share on our walls as a way to remind us what the right thing to do is!